Our awesome limited edition OSHW ultra low power Christmas (tree) ornament for 2020! Eight white LEDs driven by a slightly unusual, software controlled, step up converter circuit sipping on energy.
With its low 2 digit microampere power consumption figure the EterniTree is going to stay glowing for months if not years (depending on the selected mode). Our initial test version went on for about 10 months and it wasn’t set to the lowest power mode! This year we decided to make the EterniTree available to buy for anyone! All known bugs were fixed (spot the botched in resistors and wires in the picture 😉 and an inrush current limiting resistor has been added to allow smooth startup at every battery level.

- Ultra low power
- Lasts months if not years on a single battery
- Using the battery holder as stand
- FREE worldwide* shipping included
- 3 modes with 3 brighness levels each
- Hackable: will be open sourced by the time it ships
- STM32L011 32bit microcontroller
Limited time offer only. Orderable until November 8th only!
The EterniTree will be shipped without battery. Any standard CR2032 (and CR2016) will fit in the battery holder. The free worldwide shipping is limited to international mail services. Please note that adding any battery product to your order will cancel the free shipping option.
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